“Suffering & The Sacred Heart” 2018 Lenten Women’s Retreat Keiler, WI
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Diocese of Winona-Rochester, Women’s Conference: “Transforming Culture To Support Life- The Unique Gift of Womanhood” November 2, 2019 Austin, MN
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Real Presence Radio (Put Heidi Indahl in Keyword Search Box)
A Little About Me!
Hi, I’m Heidi! I’m a country living Catholic mama from Southeast Minnesota. My husband and I homeschool and raise our seven living children on 8 acres of grass and mud puddles (and I guess we do have a house too).
An educator by trade, my life and ministry took a turn towards pregnancy and infant loss awareness after the death of my infant daughter, Siena, in 2015 following a poor prenatal diagnosis. In addition to Siena’s death, we previously also suffered three miscarriages and a 30 week stillbirth. As Catholics, our church holds the dignity of these little lives with so much care. Now I want to make sure everyone else knows of the beautiful treasures our faith has to offer families facing pregnancy & infant loss.